Our Experts List
We had the pleasure of working with many experts to help inspire you. In this section, we have invited our experts to post their biographies and make it easy to find them, should you choose to connect or learn more. Please search for them by name or keyword using the search below.
Vera Gibbons
Featured in Chapter Six: Retirement
Vera Gibbons is a financial journalist based in New York City.
Gibbons has written for Inc., SmartMoney, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, walletpop.com, cnbc.com, and the New York Times. Today, her writing appears in Real Simple and Reuters personal finance blog, Prism Money.
Gibbons is also a Financial Analyst for MSNBC. Previously, she was a financial contributor with CBS The Early Show, and worked as a correspondent for CNBC’s High Net Worth.
Gibbons appears regularly on all NBC platforms, including NBC’s Today Show, and MSNBC. She is also a regular on the Weather Channel's "Wake Up With Al," hosted by Al Roker.
Professional website: www.veragibbons.com