Our Experts List
We had the pleasure of working with many experts to help inspire you. In this section, we have invited our experts to post their biographies and make it easy to find them, should you choose to connect or learn more. Please search for them by name or keyword using the search below.

Ashley Dobbs
Featured in Chapter Three: Motherhood
Ashley R. Dobbs is an intellectual property attorney with Bean, Kinney & Korman P.C. in Arlington, Virginia. Before attending law school, Ashley worked for 15 years in business with a large consulting company and with several of her own entrepreneurial ventures, including the Dobbs Group. While in those positions, she worked with corporate leaders on strategic planning, brand marketing, business process improvement and employee communication. Her combined business and legal experience gives her a unique perspective on the intersection of brand marketing, business and the law. Prior to joining her current firm, Ashley was an associate with Hogan & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells) and at Protorae Law.
Ashley also represents clients in animal-related matters, such as providing for their pets through estate planning. She is the author of “Keep the Promise: A Guide to Planning for Your Pet’s Care When You Can’t Be There,” and founder of a non-profit organization advocating for long term care planning for pets. Ashley is frequently invited to guest lecture on pet trusts for law school classes, financial planning workshops, and pet service businesses. Her past work includes drafting proposed federal legislation related to tax breaks and Pet Trusts, with the Humane Society of the United States.
Ashley also provides non-profit organizations pro bono assistance, and has served organizations such as the Jane Goodall Institute, the Animal Welfare Institute, the Humane Society of the United States, the Doris Day Animal Foundation and local and national animal welfare organizations. Ashley was as a curriculum advisor to the American Prosecutors Association’s and Animal Welfare Institute’s animal cruelty prosecution program, and chairs the educational subcommittees for the American Bar Association’s Animal Law Committee.
Ashley’s commitment to addressing animal protection issues through the legal system was sparked by her personal experience as an animal rescue volunteer and pet service provider. Ashley worked with several of her own entrepreneurial ventures, including a pet services business. She was a Director on the board of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters, lobbied on behalf of pets and pet owners with local government, and volunteered for animal welfare organizations.
After selling her businesses, Ashley graduated magna cum laude in 2005 from the University of Richmond Law School. While in law school, Ashley helped the city’s Animal Abuse Prosecutor try animal abuse cases in addition to planning and managing first-responder seminars on domestic violence and animal cruelty, while volunteering for multiple animal rescue organizations.
Ashley is admitted to practice in Virginia, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Supreme Court. She shares her home with a variety of rescued animals – all of whom have been provided for in her estate planning.
Professional website: http://www.beankinney.com/ashley-r-dobbs.php