Our Experts List

We had the pleasure of working with many experts to help inspire you. In this section, we have invited our experts to post their biographies and make it easy to find them, should you choose to connect or learn more. Please search for them by name or keyword using the search below.

Cynthia Greenawalt-Carvajal

Cynthia Greenawalt-Carvajal

Featured in Chapter Four: Power
A graduate of the Wharton School of Business, Cynthia Greenawalt-Carvajal is a successful trainer, consultant, and professional coach on the power of social capital.
She was the founder of both the Fort Lauderdale-Broward and Miami-Dade franchises for BNI -Business Network International, the world’s leading referral organization.  In addition, she co-founded the Referral Institute of South Florida, a major training resource for business professionals whose business relies on personal recommendations.
Contributing author of the New York Times bestseller, Masters Of Networking, and the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Masters Of Success, Cynthia provides business owners, community leaders, and sales executives with access to extraordinary results by developing their social capital and increasing their return on relationships.
Cynthia has coaching clients throughout the world, and is an investor in green energy projects.  Her passions include photography, writing poetry, singing, alternative health, and facilitating groups in playing the CASHFLOW board game created by Robert Kiyosaki of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books.  With a strong attraction to new paradigms of thinking, Cynthia enjoys studying quantum physics as it applies to leadership and cultural change.  She expresses her love of humanity through her philanthropy to The Hunger Project, a global non-profit that focuses on the sustainable end to world hunger through the empowerment of women as the key change agents in their communities (www.thp.org).

Professional Website: www.SeaChangeNetworking.com
Favorite Charity: The Hunger Project