Our Experts List

We had the pleasure of working with many experts to help inspire you. In this section, we have invited our experts to post their biographies and make it easy to find them, should you choose to connect or learn more. Please search for them by name or keyword using the search below.

Mona Hanford

Mona Hanford

Featured in Chapter 7: Legacy Building
Mona Hanford has been an eldercare activist for decades. In 2001 she chaired the Conference "Journey of the Soul--Peace at last." held at the Washington National Cathedral and co--sponsored by Hospice Care of DC, Hospice and Palliative Care of Metropolitan Washington and many other end of life care agencies. The Conference sold out and 1500 attended with 500 remaining on the wait list. Mona has served on the Boards of the Washington Home and Community Hospices and Capital Hospice. She has been active in speaking and organizing community events including  the Art Buchwald Gala and community caregivers groups.
For her entire life Mona has been a champion for philanthropy. She has been a presenter at National and International Conferences. She was appointed to the Council for Advancement and Support of Education National Commission on Philanthropy. She served on the Washington National Cathedral Foundations and Philanthropy Committee. She has raised tens of millions of dollars for non-profits. But the money has only been a currency for leaving a Legacy of Hope…Making the World a Better Place.
Mona received her BA from Mount Holyoke College where she has served as Class President and Class Reunion Chair. She received her MA from Vanderbilt University where she majored in Russian. Her guiding light through her life has been her grandfather who fled Russia at the time of the Communist Revolution,  and later became Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in America. He taught Mona that what is lasting is what is on the inside. He left a Legacy of Hope that Mona continues to transfer to her family, friends and community.

Favorite Charities: The Washington Home and Community Hospices & The Washington National Cathedral