Our Experts List

We had the pleasure of working with many experts to help inspire you. In this section, we have invited our experts to post their biographies and make it easy to find them, should you choose to connect or learn more. Please search for them by name or keyword using the search below.

Lauren Bush Lauren

Lauren Bush Lauren

Featured in Chapter Four: Power

Lauren Bush Lauren is the Chief FEEDer and Co-Founder of FEED Projects, a charitable company with the mission to create good products that help feed the world.  Each FEED product sold supports organizations such as the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and UNICEF.  Lauren started her work as an Honorary Spokesperson for the WFP in 2004 and has traveled to many countries around the world to learn about the realities of poverty and hunger firsthand.  Inspired by her travels in 2005 she conceptualized and designed the initial FEED 1 bag, which feeds one child in school for one year through WFP, as a way for consumers to give back in a tangible and meaningful way.

In 2007, FEED Projects was founded to sell FEED bags. To date, FEED Projects has partnered with companies like Whole Foods Market, Barnes & Noble, the Gap, HSN, Disney, Pottery Barn, and many more.  Through the sale of eco-friendly products, FEED has been able to donated over $6 million dollars to the WFP’s school feeding program, which equates to over 60 million school meals to school children.  

Lauren is also the Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of the FEED Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization that supports programs and organizations that are effectively working to fight hunger and eliminate malnutrition throughout the world. For her work with FEED, Lauren has been awarded the 2011 Stevie Award for Best Non-Profit Executive, the 2011 Fashion Group International Humanitarian Award, and the 2010 Accessories Council Humanitarian Award.

Lauren was born in Denver, Colorado, and grew up in Houston, Texas.  Lauren graduated from Princeton University in 2006 with a B.A. in Anthropology and certificate in Photography.  She now resides in New York City, where she works on FEED and other socially conscious ventures.

Professional Website: http://www.feedprojects.com
Favorite charities: The FEED Foundation, Robin Hood, Donors Choose, Women for Women International, & Somaly Mam Foundation